Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Today I feel....NERVES!!!!!!!

At this moment in time I'm feeling a little nervous......there are a few things contributing to this I think.
I also think I need to work out what before I max out my credit card, see I have a little issue with online shopping when feeling a little dubious...shall we say about "things:"....

I need to work out what those things are before I go and buy those Witchery wrap cardigans I so love and have been admiring in EVERY COLOUR!!!!!
They are lovely by the way in strawberry ,one black and one hazelnut ,because hazelnut is on sale you see.....

Anyway.Reasons for Nerves as Follows.

1.Dropping my daughter and Daycare when she is a little sniffly and under the weather because mumma gotta pay the rent. (and I wish I could snuggle with her on the couch all day)

2.General mothers anxiety...Is she ok at school/daycare????Is she remembering to wipe her bum...????
(an issue lately).

3.There are two gentlemen at my work engaged in a current "disagreement" shall we say.I pretend it doesn't bother me but it does....I HATE CONFLICT.

4.Money.I worry about money because I am the sole provider of it in my little family. Money and I have a funny relationship....I love it but I want more of it...

5.Oh and also ....the work thing again. You could CUT THE AIR WITH A KNIFE!

That's it for now.

Peace out. A.